Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the Lifan factory.

Export of Products

Export of Lifan products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All Lifan products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Lifan: gasoline and diesel engines, tillers, generators, motor pumps, lawn mowers, snow plows, vibrating plates, vibration rammers
  • Petrol engines Lifan
    Petrol engines
    152F, 154F, 160F, 168F-2, 170F, etc.
  • Gasoline engines with gearbox Lifan
    Gasoline engines with gearbox
    168F-2R, 170FD-R, 177F-R, etc.
  • Gasoline engines with winter preparation Lifan
    Gasoline engines with winter preparation
    177F(S), 182F(S), 188F(S), etc.
  • Diesel engines Lifan
    Diesel engines
    178F, 178FD, 186F, etc.
  • Lawn mowers Lifan
    Lawn mowers
    XSS46, XSS51, etc.
  • Snow throwers, snow plows Lifan
    Snow throwers, snow plows
    ST5570, ST7011ET, etc.
  • Tillers Lifan
    1WG1100, 1WG1300D, 1WG700, etc.
  • Generators Lifan
    6GF-4, 1500, 1800, 2.8GF-6, etc.
  • Motor pumps Lifan
    Motor pumps
    50WG, 80WG, 100ZB26-5,8Q, etc.
  • Seam Cutters Lifan
    Seam Cutters
    SCT-1, SCT-2, etc.
  • High pressure washers Lifan
    High pressure washers
    Q1500, Q2865, Q3690, Q4015, etc.
  • Vibrating plates, vibration rammers, rollers Lifan
    Vibrating plates, vibration rammers, rollers
    PVB60, PVB100, etc.
  • Grout machines Lifan
    Grout machines
    ST-36 and others.
  • Outboard motors Lifan
    Outboard motors
    LM-80P, etc.
  • Chainsaws Lifan
    5200, 5800, etc.
  • Motorcycles and scooters Lifan
    Motorcycles and scooters
    100C (PONY), LF200GY-3B, etc.


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